The Snuff Tobacco Reference

Friedrich Philipp Stepf and the Friedrich Philipp Stepf Tobacco Concern

Friedrich Philipp Stepf (d. 1866) was a German tobacco manufacturer who operated out of Schweinfurt in Bavaria. It seems most credible that Stepf began operating in 1823,1 and he would initially manufacture snuff tobaccos before expanding into smoking tobaccos.2 The Stepf firm was inherited by the Stepf widow Eleonore (d. 1886), who in turn willed it to a Friedrich Herding,3 and the company was subsequently acquired by the Rosa family who remain in charge today.2


  1. Jahresbericht der Handels- und Gewerbekammer für Unterfranken und Aschaffenburg pro 1878 & 1879. Page 107. 1880.
  2. Kurzer Abriß über die Entstehung und Entwicklung der Industrie in Schweinfurt am Main bis Ende 1921. Karl Fischer. Page 22. 1921.
  3. Bayerische Zeitung. Year 62; Number 190; Issue 1867-07-13; Page 6. 1867. Digitised version