The Snuff Tobacco Reference

Joseph Schürer and the Schürer Tobacco Concern

Joseph Schürer (1787–1852) was a German tobacco manufacturer who operated out of Würzburg. Having learned his trade in France, Schürer established his tobacco operation together with an F. Kleber of Nancy on 1811-06-14.1 Extant records paint an incomplete picture of company ownership, but the two founders were joined on 1820-06-01 by a Joseph Kern (d. 1856),1 and on 1860-01-01 ownership was entirely assumed together by Heinrich Schürer, son of Joseph Schürer, Ernst Örtel, brother-in-law of Heinrich, and a Gustav Kern (d. 1878),2 these three being joined on 1873-10-15 by a Burkard Then,4 who had in 1868 married a Josephine Schürer,5 with Johann Baptist Schürer, grandson of Joseph Schürer, joining the previous four on 1878-01-01,5 and a Franz Schürer, another grandson of Joseph Schürer, joining the survivors of the aforementioned persons by 1892,6 with Heinrich Then, son of Burkard Then, subsequently replacing his father,1 and any remaining succession being unclear. The company initially produced snuff tobaccos, though would quickly expand into smoking tobaccos and, from the 1830s, cigars.1 It had many associated premises, but relocated to its famous factory building in 1871, and increasing production necessitated opening a company branch in Karlstadt am Main in 1875,1 which would persist until 1917.7


  1. Bayerns Industrie und Handel. Adam Gutmann. Pages 369–370. 1906. Digitised version
  2. Bamberger Zeitung. Year 1862; Number 281; Issue 1862-10-11; Page 4. 1862.
  3. Bayerische Handelszeitung. Volume 1873; Year 3; Number 150; Issue 1873-10-15; Page 1441. 1873.
  4. Würzburger Stadt- und Landbote. Year 21; Number 8; Issue 1868-01-09; Page 1. 1868.
  5. Bayerische Handelszeitung. Volume 1878; Year 8; Number 8; Issue 1878-02-23; Page 95. 1878.
  6. Verzeichniss der Theilnehmer an den Telephonanlagen in Ansbach, Augsburg, Bamberg, Erlangen, Fürth, München, Nürnberg, Pasing, Roth, Schwabach, Würzburg 1892. Page 261. 1892.
  7. Würzburgs Straßen und Bauten. Thomas Memminger. Pages 348–349. 1921.