The Snuff Tobacco Reference

Lundy Foot and the Lundy Foot Tobacco Concern

Lundy Foot (1735–1805) was a Dublin tobacco manufacturer and tobacco merchant who found widespread recognition and massive commercial success with his High Toast snuff. He began operating in the Blind Quay in 1758 before relocating to Essex Gate in 1774,1 and his firm would have an additional premises in Westmoreland Street as well as various locations in London (50 Leicester Square; 6 Vine Street; 51 Skinner Street). Lundy Foot was succeeded in business in 1790 by his son Jeoffry Foot (1764–1824), who was in turn succeeded upon his death in 1824 by a partnership comprised of his sons Lundy Foot (1793–1873), James Foot (d. 1866), and Simon Foot (d. 1873),2 with the eventual widow of the last, a Mary Anne, selling the firm in 1884 to a John Gardiner McCormick (1848–1934).3 The company found trade increasingly despressed from about 18404 and would become defunct at an unclear date not before 1907 as evidenced by a listing in a commercial directory of the said year,5 and the goodwill was acquired via an unclear mechanism by the Imperial Tobacco group.6


Acknowledgement is made to Mses. Bow and Poff for providing copies of certain source materials used for this article.


  1. A History of the City of Dublin. John Thomas Gilbert. Volume 2; Page 120. 1859. Digitised version
  2. The Law Reports. Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England and Wales. Volume 3; Pages 974–979. 1878.
  3. Dublin Registry of Deeds. Year 1884; Volume 41; Deed 19. 1884.
  4. Report from the Select Committee on Tobacco Trade. Sections 7109, 7110, 7111, 7112, 7162, 7177, 7178, 7179, 7191, 7192, 7219, 7220. 1844.
  5. Kelly’s Directory of Merchants, Manufacturers and Shippers. Kelly’s Directories Ltd. Page 313. 1907.
  6. British-American Tobacco Company Limited and Imperial Group Limited Understanding. Appendix 2. 1973. Digitised version