The Snuff Tobacco Reference

Tobacco Hand

A hand of tobacco comprises a bunch of cured tobacco leaves that have been tied together at the stem end with another such leaf. Tatham has the construction process accordingly: you lap one leaf round the ends of the ſtalks, gathered neatly together in the hand, by beginning at the extremity with the little end of the leaf, and turning it round and round, forming a head of about two inches and a half long; then the end of the leaf, with which you have moulded the head, is tucked into the bundle. Hands as opposed to individual leaves make for convenience in various tobacco operations.


  1. An Historical and practical Essay on the Culture and Commerce of Tobacco. William Tatham. Page 116. 1800. Digitised version
  2. Tobacco Encyclopedia. Ernst Voges. Hand. Page 154. 1984.